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CCR Lecture Series & Impromptu Seminare

CCR Lecture Series & Impromptu Seminars

Zaritza Petrova

CCR Impromptu Seminar

Zaritza Petrova
Yale University, USA

"Understanding how kinase domain interactions contribute to dimerization and activation of receptor tyrosine kinases"
Lecture Hall B1, Borschkegasse 4a
Date: Monday, March 10th 2025, 13:00
Host: Maria Sibilia

Hind Medyouf

CCR Impromptu Seminar

Hind Medyouf

"Harnessing the Tumor microenvironment to Enable Cancer Control"
Lecture Hall B2, Borschkegasse 4a
Date: Monday, December 2nd 2024, 13:00
Host: Juliane Winkler

Stefanie K. Wculek

CCR Impromptu Seminar

Stefanie K. Wculek
IRB Barcelona, Spain

"Novel functions of dendritic cells to induce anti-cancer immune memory and prevent cancer relapse"
Venue: Lecture Hall B2, Borschkegasse 4a
Date: Monday, December 2nd 2024, 10:00
Host: Maria Sibilia

Arno Bourgonje

CCR Impromptu Seminar

Arno Bourgonje
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York

"Characterization of pre-diagnostic antibody repertoires in inflammatory bowel disease"
Lecture Hall B1, Borschkegasse 4a
Date: Wednesday, October 16th 2024, 10:00
Host: Thomas Vogl

Christian Schürch

CCR Lecture Series

Christian Schürch
University of Tübingen

"Deconstructing Immune Mechanisms, Therapy Responses and Patient Outcomes by Highly Multiplexed Tissue Imaging"
Lecture Hall B2, Borschkegasse 4a
Date: Monday, October 7th 2024, 13:00
Host: Iros Barozzi

Ravid Straussman

CCR Impromptu Seminar

Ravid Straussman
Weizmann Institute of Science

"The intra-tumor microbiome and its effects on response to therapy"
Lecture Hall B1, Borschkegasse 4a
Date: Monday, September 2nd 2024, 13:00
Host: Thomas Vogl

Alexander Kurilshikov

CCR Impromptu Seminar

Alexander Kurilshikov
Department of Genetics
University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG)

"Genetic and environmental factors influencing the human microbiome"
CCR Lecture Hall, Borschkegasse 8a
Date: Thursday, August 8th 2024, 10:00
Host: Thomas Vogl

Lina Schmidt

CCR Impromptu Seminar

Lina Schmidt
Institute for Molecular Medicine
RWTH Aachen University

"Mapping Plasma Cell Distribution and Characteristics in Gnotobiotic Mice"
CCR Container, Borschkegasse 8a
Date: Thursday, July 4th 2024, 15:00
Host: Thomas Vogl

Carmen Abate

CCR Impromptu Seminar

Carmen Abate
University of Bari Aldo Moro

"A journey into the sigma receptors' world: Focus on sigma-1 receptor, its ligands and their therapeutic potentials"
Lecture Hall B1, Borschkegasse 4a
Date: Wednesday, July 3rd 2024, 12:30
Host: Petra Heffeter

Colinda Scheele

CCR Impromptu Seminar

Colinda Scheele
VIB-KU Leuven
Center for Cancer Biology

"Tracking the origin of cancer in space and time"
Venue: Lecture Hall B2, Borschkegasse 4a
Date: Friday, June 14th 2024, 14:30
Host: Gergely Szakacs

Kjetil Taskén

CCR Lecture Series

Kjetil Taskén
Oslo University Hospital
Institute for Cancer Research

"Tumor Immune Evasion Mechanisms, Immune Regulation and Regulatory T cells"
Lecture Hall B2, Borschkegasse 4a
Date: Monday, June 10th 2024, 13:00
Host: Petra Heffeter

Isaac P. Witz

CCR Lecture Series

Isaac P. Witz
Tel Aviv University

"The Janus-Faced Cancer Ecosystem – The Case of Brain Metastasizing Melanoma Cells"
Lecture Hall B1, Borschkegasse 4a
Date: Friday, June 7th 2024, 10:30
Host: Walter Berger, Maria Sibilia
Patronage: Vice Rector Michaela Fritz

CCR Lecture Series

Leeat Keren
Weizmann Institute of Science

"Life is better in color – multiplexed imaging for next generation pathology"
Lecture Hall B1, Borschkegasse 4a
Date: Monday, May 27th 2024, 13:00
Host: Juliane Winkler

Leila Akkari

CCR Lecture Series

Leila Akkari
Netherlands Cancer Institute

"Dissecting and Rewiring Immune Cell Heterogeneity in the Cancer Ecosystem: Myeloid Cells at Play"
Venue: Lecture Hall B2, Borschkegasse 4a
Date: Monday, April 29th 2024, 13:00
Host: Juliane Winkler

Hassan Fazilaty

CCR Impromptu Seminar

Hassan Fazilaty
Department of Molecular Life Sciences,
University of Zurich

"Oncoembryology: Characterization of Ectopic Embryonic Genetic Programs in Colon Cancer for Precision Targeting"
Venue: Lecture Hall B1, Borschkegasse 4a
Date: Monday, April 22nd 2024, 15:00
Host: Maria Sibilia

Joseph Schlessinger

CCR Impromptu Seminar

Joseph Schlessinger
Yale School Of Medicine
Cancer Biology Institute

"Cell Signaling By Receptor Tyrosine Kinases: From Basic Principles To Cancer Therapies"
Venue: Lecture Hall B1, Borschkegasse 4a
Date: Monday, March 18th 2024, 15:00
Host: Maria Sibilia

Leif S. Ludwig

CCR Lecture Series

Leif S Ludwig
Max Delbrück Center

"Clonal Dynamics And Mitochondrial Genetics Via The Lens Of Single-Cell Multi-Omics"
Venue: Lecture Hall B1, Borschkegasse 4a
Date: Monday, March 11th 2024, 13:00
Host: Bernhard Englinger

Carlos Reyna

CCR Impromptu Seminar

Carlos Reyna
Oncology Data Science Basel group Novartis (NIBR)

"Computational Tools for Inferring Genetic Parameters from Noisy Sequesncing Data"
Venue: Lecture Hall B1, Borschkegasse 4a
Date: Monday, February 19th 2024, 09:30
Host: Thomas Vogl

Florian Greten

CCR Lecture Series

Florian Greten
Institute for Tumor Biology and Experimental Therapy, Georg Speyer Haus

"Cell Plasticity in Colorectal Carcinogenesis and Therapy"
Venue: Lecture Hall B1, Borschkegasse 4a
Date: Friday, February 2nd 2024, 13:00
Host: Maria Sibilia

Saverio Tardito

CCR Impromptu Seminar

Saverio Tardito
Cancer Research UK Scotland Institute

"Rethinking Our Approach To Cancer Metabolism To Deliver Patient Benefit"
Venue: Lecture Hall B1, Borschkegasse 4a
Date: Monday, January 29th 2024, 10:00
Host: Maria Sibilia

Marah Runtsch

CCR Impromptu Seminar

Marah Runtsch
Medical University Graz

"Unraveling Myeloid Cell Metabolism in Cancer and Inflammation"
Lecture Hall B1, Borschkegasse 4a
Date: Monday, January 22nd 2024, 10:00
Host: Maria Sibilia

Alexandra Zhernakova

CCR Impromptu Seminar

Alexandra (Sasha) Zhernakova
Professor of genome and exposome
University Medical Center Groningen

"Host and environmental factors shaping the gut microbiome"
Lecture Hall B2, Borschkegasse 4a
Date: Thursday, January 18th, 2024, 10:15
Host: Thomas Vogl

Eleni M. Tomazou

CCR Impromptu Seminar

Eleni M. Tomazou
St. Anna Children’s Cancer Research Institute (CCRI)

"Fusion driven sarcomas: From epigenetic profiling to developmental disease models"
Venue: Lecture Hall B1, Borschkegasse 4a
Date: Monday, January 15th, 2024, 13:00
Host: Maria Sibilia

Alexis Lomakin

CCR Impromptu Seminar

Alexis Lomakin
Institute for Pathobiochemistry & Genetics,
Medical University of Vienna

"How does 'form-follows-function' in therapy-induced cancer cell senescence?"
CCR Lecture Hall, Borschkegasse 8a
Date: Friday, November 3rd 2023, 14:00
Host: Iros Barozzi

Chris McGinnis

CCR Impromptu Seminar

Chris McGinnis
Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy Scholar,
Cancer Research Institute, Stanford University

"Interrogating immunomodulation for anti-metastatic immunotherapy"
Venue: Lecture Hall B1, Borschkegasse 4a
Date: Monday, September 25th 2023, 13:00
Host: Juliane Winkler

Juha Klefström

CCR Lecture Series

Juha Klefström
Finnish Cancer Institute,
Helsinki University Hospital & University of Helsinki

"Activating resident tumor immunity through MYC-directed synthetic lethal strategies"
Venue: Lecture Hall B1, Borschkegasse 4a
Date: Monday, September 18th 2023, 11:00
Host: Juliane Winkler

Nicholas McGranahan

CCR Lecture Series

Nicholas McGranahan
Cancer Institute, University College London, UK

"Cancer Evolution Beyond the Genome"
Venue: Lecture Hall B1, Borschkegasse 4a
Date: Monday, September 16th 2023, 11:00
Host: Juliane Winkler

Peter Faller

CCR Impromptu Seminar

Peter Faller
Professor of Chemistry (University of Strasbourg)
and group leader at the Institute of Chemistry

"Cu-complexes as anticancer compounds: Insights in the reactivity with thiols, O2 and the production of reactive oxygen species"
Venue: Lecture Hall B2, Borschkegasse 4a
Date: Friday, August 25th 2023, 13:00
Host: Petra Heffeter

Sergio Andreu Sánchez

CCR Impromptu Seminar

Sergio Andreu Sánchez
PhD.student, Department Genetics/Pediatrics,
University Medical Center Groningen

"Phage display sequencing reveals that genetic, enviromental, and intrinsic factors influence variation of human antibody epitope repertoire"
Venue: CCR Lecture Hall, Borschkegasse 8a
Date: Monday, July 24th 2023, 15.00
Host: Thomas Vogl

Wei-Chuan Shih

CCR Impromptu Seminar

Wei-Chuan Shih
Cullen Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering
University of Houston

"Nanobiophotonic liquid biopsy"
Lecture Hall B2, Borschkegasse 4a
Date: Friday, June 23th 2023, 11:00
Host: Klaus Holzmann

Thomas Brunner

CCR Lecture Series

Thomas Brunner
Biochemical Pharmacology
Dept. of Biology, University of Konstanz, Germany

"How tumor-autonomous synthesis of immunospressive glucocorticoids contributes to immune evasion in colorectal and lung cancer"
Venue: Lecture Hall B2, Borschkegasse 4a
Date: Monday, June 19th 2023, 13:30
Host: Maria Sibilia

Balázs Györffy

CCR Lecture Series

Balázs Györffy
Department of Bioinformatics,
Semmelweis University, Hungary

"Utilizing transcriptomic data to uncover robust cancer biomarkers"
Venue: Lecture Hall B2, Borschkegasse 4a
Date: Tuesday, May 16th 2023, 13:00
Host: Gergely Szakacs

Douglas Hanahan

CCR Impromptu Seminar

Douglas Hanahan
Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research
& Agora Translational Cancer Research Center, Lausanne

"Elucidating and abrogating immunosuppressive mechanisms embodied in the tumor microenvironment"
Venue: Lecture Hall B1, Borschkegasse 4a
Date: Thursday, May 04th 2023, 16:00
Host: Maria Sibilia & Erwin Wagner

Dimitris Tsiantoulas

CCR Impromptu Seminar

Dimitris Tsiantoulas
Medical University of Vienna
Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences

"APRIL, a major regulator of cardiovascular diseases"
Lecture Hall B1, Borschkegasse 4a
Date: Thursday, April 20th 2023, 14.00
Host: Thomas Vogl

Talya Dayton

CCR Impromtu Seminar

Talya Dayton
EMBL Barcelona

Decoding neuroendocrine cancers: insights into initiation, progression, and therapeutic vulnerabilities from human organoid models"
Lecture Hall B2, Borschkegasse 4a
Date: Tuesday, March 24th 2023, 10:00
Host: Juliane Winkler

Andras Nagy

CCR Lecture Series

András Nagy
Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute

"Making the Unsafe Safe: Global Source for Off-the-Shelf Therapeutic Cell Products"
Venue: Lecture Hall B1, Borschkegasse 4a
Date: Friday, February 3rd 2023, 13.00
Host: Gergely Szakacs

Andreas Reinisch

CCR Lecture Series

Andreas Reinisch
Medical University Graz

"Genome engineering of hematopoietic stem cells to model clonal hematopoiesis and myeloid malignancies"
Lecture Hall B2, Borschkegasse 4a
Date: Friday, November 18th 2022, 11:00
Host: Dietmar Herndler-Brandstetter

Mazda Jenab

CCR Lecture Series

Mazda Jenab
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)

"Diet, Lifestyle and Metabolic Dysfunction in Colorectal Cancer Development"
Venue: Lecture Hall B2, Borschkegasse 4a
Date: Friday, October 28th 2022, 11:00
Host: Andrea Gsur

Arno R. Bourgonje

CCR Impromptu Seminar

Arno R. Bourgonje
University of Groningen, The Netherlands

"Multimodal discovery of biomarker signatures for inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) and beyond"
Venue: Lecture Hall B2, Borschkegasse 4a
Date: Friday, October 07th 2022, 15:00
Host: Thomas Vogl