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The Long Night of Research at the Center for Cancer Research

At the Long Night of Research at the Center for Cancer Research on May 20, 2022 from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m., our scientists will present and explain interesting facts about cancer and cancer research.

The Center for Cancer Research conducts internationally renowned oncological basic research as well as translational oncological research in the fields of cellular and molecular tumor biology, applied and experimental oncology, safety of chemical substances and cancer prevention as well as tumor progression and metastasis.

Meeting point for all stations:
Borschkegasse 4a, Walter-Beck-Platz, 1090 Vienna

Stage 1: Meet the Experts
Here, leaders and young researchers of the center’s various working groups present their main areas of focus. After the lectures, the speakers will be available to answer questions about cancer (research) in our "Meet the Expert Corner".

The following lectures await you:

  • 17:15 – 17:45: Wie entsteht Krebs und nimmt die Krebshäufigkeit zu? (Robert Eferl)
  • 17:45 – 18:15: Metastasierung: Die unsichtbare Gefahr (Wolfgang Mikulits)
  • 18:15 – 18:45: Neue Entwicklungen in der Krebstherapie (Walter Berger)
  • 18:45 – 19:15: Krebs und Ernährung (Siegfried Knasmüller)
  • 19:15 – 19:45: Biomarker für die Krebstherapie (Martin Filipits)
  • 19:45 – 20:15: Miniorgane: Propheten für künftige Krebstherapien? (Bernadette Mödl)
  • 20:15 – 20:45: Warum versagt das Immunsystem bei Krebs? (Maria Sibilia)
  • 20:45 – 21:15: Viren als Auslöser aber auch als Therapie von Krebserkrankungen (Michael Grusch)
  • 21:15 – 21:45: Therapy resistance – why is cancer so hard to beat? (Gergely Szakacs) 

Station 2: Laboratory tours
Here, our scientists will take you to their laboratories and give you insights into their everyday research in short guided tours. Among other things, you can see: living cancer cells under the microscope, flow cytometry, how cancer cells can be genetically modified and how resistance mechanisms can be researched with computer-assisted analyses.

Station 3: Young Investigators Labs
This station offers young researchers the opportunity to gain insights into the development of cancer. Interested parties can carry out small experiments at various hands-on stations. In a game together with you, we explore how cancer develops and how to make it as difficult as possible for it.

Station 4: Career in cancer research

Here, young researchers from the center’s various working groups talk about their everyday laboratory work and answer questions about careers in cancer research in our “Career Corner”.

Station 5: Comprehensive Cancer Center (CCC)
Which topics are red hot in cancer research? Which cancer research projects are currently being supported with your donations? What medical questions do they answer in the fight against cancer? The winners of the CCC research grants report on the results of their research projects in short presentations and are happy to answer your questions. You can then spin the wheel of fortune and answer questions about the work presented and about cancer in general in a knowledge quiz. Anyone who knows the answer has a chance of winning a prize.

17.30: “,Liquid Biopsy‘ – neue Biomarker Quelle bei Hirntumoren bei Kindern“ (Sibylle Madlener)

18.30: Krebs. "Wenn Evolution zum Bumerang wird" (Rainer Hubmann)

19.30: "Auf der Suche nach möglichen Biomarkern für die Immuntherapie im Blut" (Verena Paulitschke)

20:30: “Tumor-Zellinteraktion verstehen - Eine Dating-Plattform für Zellen schafft neue Erkenntnisse” (Matthias Farlik-Födinger)

21:30: “Lungenkrebs: Die Kommunikation zwischen Tumor und Immunzellen entscheidet über Therapieerfolg“ (Herwig Moll)


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