Kazuhiko Matsuoka, PhD
Research Focus
Metastasis is the major cause of cancer morbidity. Significant progress has been made in unraveling aspects of the metastatic processes of carcinoma, however, the underlying mechanisms of sarcoma metastases remain elusive.
Osteo-Sarcoma (OS) is the most frequent primary malignant bone tumor in urgent need of better therapies. OS arises mostly in children and adolescents during bone growth with a second incidence peak after 50 years. The current standard of care for OS includes surgery and neo-adjuvant and post-operative adjuvant chemotherapy. However, the 5-year overall survival for patients with metastatic and/or relapsed OS is ~20% and has remained virtually unchanged over the past 40 years due to the still limited understanding of the molecular mechanisms of the disease in particular metastases.
The aim of this research project is to unravel mechanisms of osteosarcoma metastasis. Our research will expand knowledge for cancer metastases and but also provide key information to develop cancer therapy and/or prevention strategies.
Selected Publications
Metabolic rewiring controlled by c-Fos governs cartilage integrity in osteoarthritis.
Matsuoka K, Bakiri L, Bilban M, Toegel S, Haschemi A, Yuan H, Kasper M, Windhager R, Wagner EF.
Ann Rheum Dis. 2023 Jun 21:ard-2023-224002. doi: 10.1136/ard-2023-224002.
Wnt signaling and Loxl2 promote aggressive osteosarcoma
Matsuoka K, Bakiri L, Wolf L, Linder M, Mikels-Vgdal A, Panatino-Garcia A, Lecanda F, Hartmann C, Sibilia M, Wagner EF
Cell Res. 2020 Oct;30(10):885-901. doi: 10.1038/s41422-020-0370-1
WAFI1 is Cell-Surface CTHRC1 Binding Protein Coupling Bone Resorption and Formation
Matsuoka K*, Kohara Y*, Naoe Y, Watanabe A, Ito M, Ikeda K, Takeshika S
(*contributed equally)
J Bone Miner Res. 2018 Aug;33(8):1500-1512. doi: 10.1002/jbmr.3436
Osteoclast-derived complement component 3a stimulates osteoblast differentiation
Matsuoka K, Park K-a, Ito M, Ikeda K, Takeshita S.
J Bone Miner Res. 2014 Jul;29(7):1522-30. doi: 10.1002/jbmr.2187
Therapeutic potential of intracerebroventricular replacement of modified human β-hexosaminidase B for GM2 gangliosidosis
Matsuoka K, Tamura T, Tsuji D, Dohzono Y, Kitakaze K, Ohno K, Saito S, Sakuraba H, Itoh K.
Molecular Therapy 2011 Jun;19(6):1017-24. doi: 10.1038/mt.2011.27
Introduction of an N-glycan sequon into HEXA enhances human beta-hexosaminidase cellular uptake in a model of Sandhoff disease
Matsuoka K, Tsuji D, Aikawa S, Matsuzawa F, Sakuraba H, Itoh K.
Molecular Therapy 2010 Aug;18(8):1519-26. doi: 10.1038/mt.2010.113